Wednesday, September 9, 2009

First day of class

Had my first class today. The bus I was supposed to catch didn't turn up so I caught a later bus and only just beat the lecturer to the class room. The unfortunate thing is that we'd been swimming in the morning and I got my flipflops wet when cleaning off my feet and when they're wet they squeak, loudly. So although I beat the teacher I can't imagine I made the best impression to my class mates as I entered and squeaked my way to my seat. But anyway, it was fine really, but it's funny how Americans seem to be inately, unconsiously racist. Not in an obvious way but in an ignorant kind of a way. Just a few of the things the teacher said, who, although liberal, was discussing whether complete free trade is a good thing or not and its the way that racism can be implied but not said, well, apart from him bluntly telling us that he NEVER buys anything from China and forming an X with his fingers and hissing...
Now I have a wait for my next class as I have nothing tomorrow, annoyingly it's the same class again.

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