Thursday, October 22, 2009

Another week gone by...

And it's been fairly eventful too, by our recent standards at least!

We sent out some postcards on, I think, the 14th, and at least one of them has arrived - so hopefully the others will too, or have already =)

At the weekend we were planning on going to Waimanalo Bay again, because there was a county fair there. After a morning spent at Walmart and Don Quijote - two supermarkets, how luxurious! - Tom decided he would have been too hot at the fair and it probably wouldn't have been great fun, if only for the fact of the smelly boy I'd be hanging around with. He had his hair cut at the weekend as well, AND the trimmer arrived from Germany on Monday, so it looks like he's been on Castaway or something and has finally left the jungle! Anyway, after the supermarkets we went to Waikiki Beach here, and although it was lovely it ended up raining, so maybe the fair wouldn't have been such a bad idea after all. Oh well.

On Sunday I had a ginormous essay to finish up, so I went and spent about four hours in the computer lab while Tom had a friend over so they could work on their essays. This friend has ADD and, apparently, periodically paced around the room like a madman while Tom taught him how to write an essay! The guy even phoned up last night for advice. I am extremely amused at the idea of someone asking Tom for essay help - everything he knows he learnt from me, muahahaha! Seriously, though, it's fantastic, and I am very proud of him. The guy (who is German, incidentally) took him out for a burger, and paid, which is slightly irritating as Tom just seems to get freebies from his friends (including a drive home from someone who had had two beers - I was not pleased).

On Monday we went to my friend Eliza's after our evening classes to watch House and have a drink for the first time in seven weeks! I managed to temporarily lose Tom again as we were all meeting up, which made it the third time in a week - on Thursday he was late home, and on Sunday he wasn't in the flat when I got back from the computer lab. This is beginning to look like carelessness.

Anyway, we had a really nice time - I, of course, got pretty drunk and made a complete fool out of myself, but that's a story we've all heard before, so no point relating it again ;) Eliza's boyfriend Will, who is in one of the same classes as Tom, had proposed to her the day before on their seventh anniversary, which was sweet.

On Tuesday one of my classes was cancelled, so I handed in my sixteen-page paper (and learnt that it had to be in a bigger font size than I'd written it in, so probably didn't need to be stressing over the last two pages...), and then came home. Tom had done laundry. Only it seemed like he'd done HIS laundry. Most of my clothes were on the floor. He protested that, as I sometimes re-wear my clothes, he couldn't tell what was clean and what was dirty - so decided not to do ANY of it. Argh! Especially as I go HUNTING for Tom's clothes whenever I do laundry, and have to put my nose in the most god-awful of places to make sure that I've done pretty much everything he needs. Sigh. Also Tom overloaded the new, more expensive tumble dryers (not sure how, as he has barely any clothes!), and they basically didn't work - they made our laundry hot, but still sopping wet. We've had to hang everything up around our room, which has been extremely difficult without any clothes-horses, and still this morning (two days later!) some of the stuff is damp. It amused me, though, how Tom was extremely concerned about sleeping in a room with so much damp stuff - I know it's not the most ideal situation, health-wise, but still, it's not like we were going down a mine or jumping into a lion pit! It just didn't strike me as the kind of event that would scare a 20 year old man =)

Yesterday we went to one of the free Botanical Gardens, and although it was very pretty, people had obviously stopped taking very good care of it quite a while ago. We played pooh sticks (I won!) and sat by a pretty waterfall for a bit, and then came home. Haha, how useless we sound! There are some pictures - in fact, quite a few, dating all the way back to the start of October - that I shall stick up here soon. Tom's laptop overheated and crashed on me halfway through writing this, so I will wait until my new laptop charger comes (hopefully today - I got very excited yesterday but it was a false alarm), and if that works I'll be able to do all that.

Another of the things we have been up to recently is cookie-baking! Tom made oatmeal cookies on Saturday, I made chocolate chip cookies on Monday, and on Tuesday I made chocolate-dough-chocolate-chip cookies. They are really good, but we are still struggling with quantities of flour and baking soda - they are becoming more and more like biscuits, but still are very similar to cakes in texture. I can't believe that I am like this at nineteen years old - I might as well just get out the knitting needles as well =) I found out yesterday that we only have eight weeks of term left! Poor Tom keeps having nightmares about the temperature once we get back. I'm getting excited about starting to buy Christmas presents soon (I've already ordered Tom's, and did a few weeks ago, which was a bit silly but oh well), and tonight, actually, I may be going shopping with Eliza in Waikiki. It's really pretty at night, which is unfortunate, because my camera doesn't have a night setting.

1 comment:

  1. lol@you and tom being old!
    get the knitting needles out with pride!

    i am dreading getting presents for everyone, it's going to be expensive. i'm considering saving money for a birthday present instead, that way it's a bit more managable. . . we'll see.
    i can't believe we're halfway through term already. i hate how fast it goes, but it means i'm closer to seeing you guys and sofie!
