Sunday, December 13, 2009

Finals Week

It's Sunday afternoon and we have roast pork in the oven, and a typically corny Christmas movie on the TV (I predict that the male and female protagonists will go from being strangers to falling in love!); the washing up is all done, I tidied up earlier, and Tom is preparing homemade apple sauce while I write this, steal bits of apple, and type up notes for my Gender take-home exam.

Just a few more things for each of us to do, and on Friday evening we're free!

Next Saturday we're hoping to go to the Byoudo-in temple, which we went to ages ago after the temple actually closed. On Sunday we're travelling around the island to see some sights with John (also known as Probably-Tim, one of Tom's friends); Monday is climbing Diamond Head (to ensure that Christmas isn't just jet-lagged and freezing and most likely hungover but also achey), and Tuesday will be spent packing and tidying and generally freaking out.

Oh, that reminds me - dear John and Nancy, Tom keeps telling me that he's going to email you to let you know that he now drinks red wine, and then forgetting to actually follow through! So, consider yourself warned that he will be depleting your stock of alcohol this winter =)

One of my essays was extremely vindictive this week but I have already done copious moaning about it, and it's almost all over now (just have to get the grade back) so I'm not going to bother going into it again. It was horrible. That is all.

Tom is 'revising' (read: basting the pork, turning the potatoes, peeling apples, dancing to Christmas music - basically anything that is actually 'not revising') for his State & Local Government exam tomorrow and his World Politics exam on Tuesday. I have been nominated for a Best Paper competition thingy which has a $500 top prize (yay). We are looking forward to coming home - I in particular am dangerously fed up of the teachers and educational system, what kind of country doesn't ask you to do analytical essays until after you've got a degree?! - but dreading the cold. Christmas present shopping soon, which I am looking forward to.

I love Christmas! I'm so excited!

1 comment:

  1. i love christmas too.
    by evidence that i am confessing this on christmas day.

    i just had a read through all the posts i missed while i was studying like a bitch (and evidently you were too)
    hope you're having a lovely christmas.
    miss you laods.
